Friday, November 20, 2009


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Miss Ellie

Ellie was such a sweet girl and just so photogenic. Her serious looks were just as beautiful as her smiles were. I can wait for her mom to see the rest of this session!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Costumes, Costumes, Costumes!!

Just for Halloween!! We're giving discounts on our portrait sessions and creating portrait packages that save over 70% off our A La Carte packages!!

Call the studio to set up your portrait session time! 585-273-8570

Just for Halloween!! We're giving discounts on our portrait sessions and creating portrait packages that save over 70% off our A La Carte packages!!

Call the studio to set up your portrait session time! 585-273-8570

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today we had little Arianna in the studio. She was SO cute!! And very talkative! Her little sister Rebecca was so sweet as well! She was very good as she watched her little sister get photographed. We can't wait for her parents to see the rest of the images!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Leah and Alexa

We photographed Leah and Alexa--- they were incredible!! Leah smiled the ENTIRE time she was here and her new little sister Alexa just smiled away too. Not too often do you get to see a beautiful connection between sisters especially at the ages of 5-years and 3-months. We were also lucky enough to get a family portrait... Dad, Mom, Leah and Alexa all had perfect smiles! We can't wait for the girls to come back in for more!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Today Liana came in for her 3-month session, and she was amazing! The faces she made were so cute!! She was probably one of the most active 3-month olds we've had in the studio! She was so strong... she kept turning over and trying to stand. She has a great connection with her Mommy and Daddy... we can't wait for you guys to see the rest!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Donovan Family

We had so much fun today with the Donovan family! The images are awesome! What beautiful children...

Molly had nothing but smiles the WHOLE TIME!!

Owen has his mysterious look to him... and

Jack has the older brother attitude! He was constantly checking Molly to make sure she was okay.

We can't wait for mom to come and see her images... she's going to have a tough job!!


Giuliona came in for her session on Wednesday morning. It was a crazy shoot!! We started outside and ran around inside and of course... ended with a big orange lolly pop to match her outfit!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Today we had so much fun photographing Tianna! She was awesome! She had a great personality and she was very polite. To top it off... she got a HUGE pink lolly pop at the end of her session!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Krystal and Fred

Today we photographed Krystal and Fred... they are expecting a little boy on August 30th - they are waiting to name him until they see him, how cute!

Krystal was awesome! She brought tons of clothing options and she let us do anything and everything. She was glowing and every time she smiled Fred smiled... there was Definitely a beautiful connection this morning. We can't wait for them to see the rest of the images!!
Definatley check out our facebook page (search Baby Love by Excess) there are a few more samples from their session!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


We just had so much fun with Zah'Mere and his mommy. He was so cute! He kept teasing us with smiles and then sticking out his tongue!!

Zah'Mere is part of our BabyLove program here so keep checking back... he'll be coming in for his 6 month in October or November!

Check our facebook page (Search Baby Love by Excess) to see his big smile!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

We are so lucky to be involved with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation! Lisa, the Special Events Coordinator for JDRF Rochester Chapter, came to our studio to ask for our help!

We will be photographing 17 children in the Rochester area effected by Juvenile Diabetes to help raise money for their November 5th fundraising gala.

We've already photographed Max, a super cute and friendly child. He will be the main image on the event's invitation. He was so cute when he came in! He was a natural for the camera!

(We will be photographing his family in September, as they are an honorary family for the event)

For more information on Juvenile Diabetes, go to their website:

Friday, August 7, 2009


This was Megan's 9 month session and she was such a pleasure to photograph again.  You might remember her as Miss November...  I photographed Megan all over the studio yesterday, I am sure we tuckered her out!  Check out more of her images on Facebook.  

Evie and Evan

Yesterday I photographed boyfriend and girlfriend, Evie and Evan.  I can't believe how many beautiful images we captured.  This one especially is my favorite!  

Friday, July 31, 2009


Kaiya came into today for her 6 month portrait session and boy is she beautiful.  She brought her whole family along to join in the fun!  I have never seen a 6 month old with such a personality, she knew exactly what she was awesome!  Check out our Facebook page for another image.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ayden and Destiny

Yesterday I photographed brother and sister, Aidan and Destiny. It was so beautiful to watch how they interacted with each other. That bond was captured completely in this image!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Today I photographed Jonathan for his 3 year portraits.  He was so much fun to photograph and so photogenic!  Stephanie has the most beautiful children (4!)  I can't wait to photograph the other (stay tuned for Sarah's session next) ones.  He smiled the entire time, with the exception of a few sticking out his tongue shots:)  Check out our facebook to see some more images... this is one of my favorites.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Today I was lucky enough to photograph James.  I photographed his Mom and Dad's wedding a couple of years ago, let's keep the tradition going!  Thank you so much for letting me experiment with some new ideas, they came out great!  I love this image because it is so unique and also captures James' personality in his Carhartts:)  I have always loved photographing Meagen's family because she gives me complete freedom, which is amazing!  I can't wait to see your reaction to the rest of the images.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


This was Alex's first visit to BabyLove, and he had a blast!  What a beautiful baby boy and a dream to photograph. He had such a fun personality that really showed in his images.  We can't wait to see you again Alex!


August came in yesterday for his 3 month portrait session.  He is named for his mom and dad's anniversary cute!  He was all smiles for the camera, we can't wait to see his mom's reaction to this image.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Portrait Session Experience

The Genesee Valley Parent Magazine had a great article about bad experiences with photographers... they suggested you ask your family and friends about their experiences by asking the following questions... We thought we would just cut to the chase and answer them for you...

If you'd like to read the full article, you can see it on-line by visiting

There was an inset that mentioned to "Ask friends and family where they've had good portrait experiences; then use the phone or internet to get answers to the following questions:"I'm going to list the questions, and give my answers!!

1) Is a minimum number of poses required?
BabyLove: Never. If you do not like what we captured during the session, we will always be more than willing to do another session!

2) Are photographers patient, quick on the trigger, and adept at making children smile?BabyLove: We know it takes patience, practice, and laughter to have a successful portrait session. Your baby or child is going to run the session… after all it only takes a split second to get that perfect image.

3) Does the studio have a play area for use before and after the shoot?

BabyLove: We have a private changing room for you and your baby and or children with a changing table, extra wipes, and a basket of toys. For your review session you have a private room to view the images in so your baby can crawl, sit, play or eat…

4) Are fun props available?
BabyLove: Yes. We do prefer a more simple image that focuses on your baby or child and his or her personality. We use props, but we tend to use them pretty lightly unless you ask otherwise. We also love when you bring your own props in that are important to you and your baby.

5) Are backdrops quickly interchangeable and of high quality?
BabyLove: When you come in we will go through your outfits and figure out which outfits will look best. We will already have a few backgrounds set up prior to your arrival so your baby wont have to wait for anything.

6) What special effect options are available?
BabyLove: Our award-winning artistic director can do the basic conversions into black and white, sepia etc… but what she creates is art. Every image that she works on is different. She does not work with “actions,” she makes decisions based on what you want and what will look best for your particular image.

7) How much will this cost?
BabyLove: We have packages that are designed to fit everyone’s needs and budget. We have packages starting with two units (8x10, 5x7, or 8 wallets) and packages that include albums. We also have a NO-INTEREST PAYMENT PLAN option that allows you to break your payments into equal monthly payments so you get; Anything and Everything you want with a comfortable deposit and affordable monthly payments… all with no interest.

8) When will the portraits be ready for pick up?
BabyLove: You will come in for a review session about a week after your portrait session so we have time to create samples for you so you can see what is available. After you come in to your review session and place your order, we like to say your portraits will be ready within three weeks but… let’s be honest here… we know you want them sooner so we’ve been getting them back within a week and a half… we try our hardest to get you your portraits as soon as we can!

I hope you've found this information to be helpful - and if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me! (find our BabyLove link or search Baby Love by Excess)


Sweet Molly... 12 Months

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Jessica Rose

I just finished photographing Jessica.  She is 3 months old!  This is her second visit to BabyLove and we just love her here!  Jessica's uncle is in the military so this portrait is dedicated to him.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kevin and Kyle

I had so much fun photographing Kyle and Kevin.  They were two completely boys, each so photogenic.  I chose this portrait because I love how the brothers are interacting with each other and the vintage feel the block give.  I can't wait to see mom's reaction to these images! 

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Baby Violet

Baby Violet came in on Saturday for her first portrait session.  She was a great model and so wide awake for being only 6 weeks.  In this image she was photographed with her daddy.  I love this image because he looks so happy and proud of his tiny baby.   I can't wait to see his reaction to this image!

Talia's 6 month session

I just finished photographing Talia's 6 month session.  She is part of our Year-Love Series, where she is photographed at her 3m, 6m ,9m and 12m milestones.  She was great!  She has that type of face where she can smile, pout, and even cry and she still looks adorable!  I can't wait for her mom and dad to see these images on Friday.  It is so fun to see her grow up through the portraits we take here at BabyLove!

Friday, June 19, 2009

More Pet Promo Samples!!

What Loveys!! Pet Promo Currently Going On... packages starting at only $39

Friday, June 12, 2009

PuppyLove by Excess

Special Pet Promo is Coming to Excess Studios!

Check our facebook album for more samples
(Just search Baby Love by Excess)

We are having so much fun photographing the puppies that have been coming in!

We, Excess Studios, will be hosting a Pet Promo coming soon, so get your appointments
on the calendar soon so you don't miss out!

Packages starting at $39
(A La Carte Available)

Excess Studios
137 Clay Road
Rochester NY 14623

Email us at if you have any questions...

Check back for a coupon

Keywords: Animal, Photography, Puppy, Dog, Cat, Photo, Studio, Rochester, New York, Portrait

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

BabyLove's Summer Kick Off!

Print this coupon for $10 off!

It's time to Kick Off Summer!!

We have AWESOME sets dedicated JUST for our Summer Kick Off! You choose what you want!

Do you have more than one child? That's great- we can photograph them on different backgrounds so you have totally different images for them all!

Normally our Children's Session fee is $49 but for this promotion the session fee is only $29 for 1 or all of your children! You can pay right over the phone with your Visa, MC, Amex or Discover! (Members of our Shorties Program - Remember you get a free session!)

We have special packages that are over 20% less than our normal pricing and with our coupon*, you'll save an additional $10 off your order!

There's MORE!With every package purchase you receive 8 free art-wallets!

Clothing Suggestions:

  • Bathing Suits
  • Sunglasses, fun hats, rain boots...
  • Sport equipment (Baseball bat, ball, mitt etc...)
  • etc.....

Call the studio today to schedule your appointment!585-273-8570

*Sessions must be booked by July 18th, and all review sessions must be booked by July 31st*

-If you purchased a ticket (or donated an auction item) to the benefit "Tyler's Need" you will receive a complimentary session! You can purchase your tickets or donate to the event here at Excess Studios by calling 585-273-8570-

Baby, Children, Photo, Photography, Picture, Portrait, Studio, Summer, Toddler, Tyler's Need

BabyLove by Excess Studios

BabyLove by Excess Studios
137 Clay Road - Rochester NY 14623

If you recently had a baby, you already know how special it is to watch the little things they do! Life needs laughter, love, charm and of course portraits!

So, let us (BabyLove by excess) photograph the spirit, the magic and the art of your baby’s childhood. We will capture the the crinkling of their tiny nose, the wiggling of their toes and the beautiful looks they give you with their big round eyes.

Our BabyLove Program:
Your baby will come into the studio to be photographed at the 3, 6, 9 and 12-month milestones. At the end of the year you will receive your Year-Love Collection with images from all four BabyLove Portrait Sessions.

Our BabyLove Sessions:
  • Your photographer will capture the unique personality of your child along with their curiosity, adventurousness and their talents for trouble.
  • Your own private appointment to review your images.
  • The finest baby portraiture around with so many poses to choose
  • State of the art portrait enhancements by a talented artistic team.
  • There are cupcakes too!

Normally, the enrollment fee for this series is $400, but if you call us by June 30th and mention that you found us on our blog you will be able to try out this program for FREE!

Are you expecting? GREAT! Call us and with an enrollment into our BabyLove program, and you will get a complimentary maternity session (a $70 Value)!

With portraits at BabyLove by excess you will be able to look back for years to come and re-live your child’s first year, over and over again.
or our Facebook: Just search - Baby Love by Excess
Baby, Maternity, Newborn, Photography, Picture, Portrait, Studio